Last update : June 2020
As key player in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuelling station market, Cryostar designs and develops high added value cryogenic equipment required for the deployment of LNG stations. Cryostar has been contributing for more than 50 years to the development of alternative energies for the transport industry with more than 100 stations equipped with our equipment.

LNG as fuel: we explain everything to you!
FUELNG-DEPLOY is a compact refueling station which is composed of a horizontal LNG tank easily plug and play with the possibility to move it. More info...
FUELNG-SUSTAIN is an expandable and modular refueling station with a reduced footprint thanks to its vertical LNG tank. More info...
What are LNG / CNG and BIO-LNG?
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) is a gas essentially composed of methane (CH4) that has undergone liquefaction to convert it from a gaseous state to a liquid state. This liquefaction is carried out by cooling the natural gas to a temperature of approximately -160°C. The advantage of storing the gas in its liquefied form is its higher density.